Whale The Majestic Giants of the Deep

A whale is a huge sea animal that looks a lot like a fish. But it is not a fish. Instead, it is a kind of animal called a mammal. Mammals feed their young with mother’s milk. Other mammals include chimpanzees, dogs, and human beings.

Most whales are enormous. One kind, the blue whale, is the largest animal that has ever lived. It grows up to 100 feet (30 meters) long and can weigh more than 150 tons (135 metric tons). Other kinds of whales are smaller. Some grow only 13 to 16 feet (4 to 5 meters) long.

The Body Of A Whale

A whale has a long body, two side fins, and tail fins that spread from side to side. A whale swims by moving its tail fins up and down. It has smooth skin that may be black, brownish-gray, gray, or white.

Some whales have patches of white on them. A whale has a few bristles, or short, stiff hairs, on its head.

Beneath the skin, it has a layer of fat called blubber that helps keep it warm in the cold ocean waters.

Whales breathe through nostrils called blowholes at the top of the head. Some whales have one blowhole, and others have two.

A whale comes to the surface to blow air out and breathe air in. When a whale lets out its breath, it shoots a big spray of air and water through the blowhole.

A whale can hold its breath for a long time. Some whales can hold their breath underwater for up to two hours.

The Life Of A Whale

Kinds Of Whales

There are two main kinds of whales. They are baleen (pronounced buh LEEN) whales and toothed whales.

Baleen whales have no teeth. Instead, they have hundreds of thin plates called baleen in the mouth.

The baleen is made of the same material as human fingernails. The baleen plates hang from the whale’s upper jaw.

Baleen whales eat by gulping mouthfuls of water containing small fish, tiny creatures called plankton, and other sea animals.

They then force the water out through the baleen. The food gets trapped on the baleen, and the whale swallows it.

There are 10 kinds of baleen whales. They include bowhead whales and blue whales.

Bowhead whales have a thick body, a huge head, and an arched mouth. Their baleen may grow as long as 13 feet (4 meters).

Blue whales and some other baleen whales have a back fin. They can swim faster than other whales.

Toothed whales have teeth. There are about 65 kinds of toothed whales. They have different sizes and shapes.

Most toothed whales eat fish or squid. Toothed whales include sperm whales, narwhals (pronounced NAHR hwuhlz), dolphins, and porpoises.

Sperm whales are the largest toothed whales. They grow up to about 60 feet (18 meters) long. A sperm whale has a huge, square head and a long, thin lower jaw. Only the lower jaw has teeth. These teeth fit into holes in the upper jaw.

Narwhals are unusual whales that live in the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean. The male has a tusk sticking out of its upper jaw.

The tusk is about 8 feet (2.4 meters) long. It is the narwhal’s only tooth. A few narwhals have two tusks. Most females have no tusks.

Dolphins are smart animals with a snout like a beak. Porpoises look a lot like dolphins, but they have a rounded snout.

Hunting And Saving Whales

The Life Of A Whale

Most whales have only one baby, called a calf, at a time. Even the calves are giant animals. A newborn blue whale weighs as much as a full-grown rhinoceros, and it is 23 feet (7 meters) long.

Mother whales protect their young. As soon as a calf is born, the mother gently pushes it to the surface to take its first breath.

She stays close to it for at least a year and feeds it her milk. The rich whale milk helps the calf grow fast. Baby blue whales gain about 200 pounds (90 kilograms) per day.

Some toothed whales live in groups called herds, pods, or schools, but most baleen whales live alone or in small groups.

Whales keep in touch with each other by making many kinds of sounds. They can hear these sounds over great distances.

Most baleen whales spend summers in the cold waters of the Arctic or Antarctic oceans, where they eat and store up blubber.

In the winter, they travel great distances to warmer seas. There, they mate and have babies. The next spring, they return home.

Sometimes whales swim onto shore. This action is called beaching. Beached whales cannot live long.

Out of water, the whales quickly get too hot and die. Scientists do not know why whales come ashore.

what is whale breaching

What is Whale Breaching?

Whale breach refers to the spectacular behavior of a whale leaping out of the water and fully exposing its body before crashing back into the ocean.

During a breach, the whale propels itself vertically or diagonally out of the water, often twisting or turning in mid-air before re-entering the sea with a large splash.

Breaching is a captivating sight and is commonly observed in various whale species, including humpback whales, killer whales (orcas), and some others.

The exact reasons for this behavior are not entirely understood, but scientists believe it may serve multiple purposes:

Communication: Breaching could be a way for whales to communicate with each other over long distances, conveying information about their presence or location.

Play and Social Interaction: Some researchers suggest that breaching might be a form of play or social interaction, especially when young whales are involved.

Parasite Removal: Breaching might help dislodge parasites, barnacles, or other unwanted hitchhikers from the whale’s skin.

Predation Avoidance: In some cases, breaching could be a defensive strategy to escape potential predators, such as killer whales, by surprising or confusing them.

Mating Displays: In certain species like humpback whales, breaching could be a part of courtship rituals or mating displays, attracting potential mates.

While the exact motivation for breaching remains uncertain, witnessing this breathtaking behavior is a truly remarkable and unforgettable experience for those fortunate enough to observe it in the wild.

Hunting And Saving Whales

People have hunted whales for thousands of years. Whales were once killed for their meat and their oil. Whale oil was used as a fuel for lamps and for cooking.

Parts of whales were used to make glue, makeup, medicines, soap, and other products. People also ate whale meat.

During the 1900’s, whale hunters almost killed off certain kinds of whales. For this reason, groups around the world have worked to protect whales by stopping most whale hunting.

Social Behaviour and Communication

Whales are well-known for their complex communication and social behaviour.

To communicate with one another, they employ a range of vocalisations like as clicks, whistles, and songs. These noises may travel large distances and are essential for identifying partners, obtaining food, and navigating the seas.

Whales frequently form close-knit social groupings, and some species engage in sophisticated behaviors such as cooperative hunting and care for injured or sick pod members.

Migration Routes and Breeding Grounds

Whales have extraordinary migratory patterns. Many baleen whales migrate large distances, covering thousands of miles between feeding grounds in cooler waters and breeding sites in warmer areas.

The voyage is sometimes difficult and dangerous, yet it permits whales to acquire plentiful food during the summer and optimal calving settings during the winter.

Conservation and Protection Efforts

Many whale species suffered catastrophic decreases as a result of centuries of widespread whaling, and some even threatened extinction.

As public awareness of the value of these majestic creatures expanded, international campaigns to protect whales and safeguard their habitats were initiated.

Organisations like as the International Whaling Commission (IWC) have put in place restrictions to limit commercial whaling and encourage research towards better conservation techniques.

Whale-watching tourism, when managed correctly, has also become an alternative to whaling, allowing visitors to witness the wonder of viewing whales in their natural habitat.

Whales and their Role in Ecosystems

Whales plays a significant role in the marine ecosystems by altering the food web and nutrient cycling.

Baleen whales, as filter-feeders, contribute to the balance of marine life by devouring huge amounts of plankton, which controls plankton populations and avoids overgrowth.

Their feces are nutrient-dense, contributing to the production of phytoplankton, the foundation of the marine food chain.

Furthermore, when whales die, their corpses provide unique homes for a wide variety of aquatic species.

Whales in Mythology and Popular

Whales have played an important role in different mythologies and cultures across the world history.

Whales are depicted as strong and magical entities in many indigenous cultures’ old myths and traditions. Whales represent power, wisdom, and even divinity in certain civilizations.

These symbolic depictions have inspired art, music, literature, and ceremonies that honor the great bond that people share with these amazing sea animals.

The Future of Whales

While there has been considerable efforts in conservation of whales, but still we have to go a long way in fulfilling our objective of protecting this wonderful creature.

Climate change, ocean pollution, ship collisions, and entanglement in fishing gear are all threatening whale populations.

Scientists, environmentalists, and governments throughout the world are collaborating to solve these concerns and create long-term solutions to ensure the future of these gentle giants and their maritime ecosystems.

As we learn more about whales and their importance in the marine environment, it becomes increasingly important to encourage responsible management and guarantee that future generations may marvel at these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.


Hope you enjoyed this article on whales. Whales are truly amazing creatures on Earth, and they hold a special place in our planet’s biodiversity.

Now, here’s a question for you: Have you ever had a close encounter with a whale or witnessed their spectacular breaching behavior in the wild?

We’d love to hear your stories and experiences!

Share your encounters with these majestic giants by visiting our “Contact Us” page and let’s celebrate the wonder of whales together.

Your unique perspectives and interactions can inspire others to appreciate and protect these magnificent beings for generations to come.

You can visit Wikipedia to learn more about whales.


What are whales?

Whales are large marine mammals, not fish, known for their massive size and graceful swimming.

How big can whales get?

The blue whale, the largest animal on Earth, can grow up to 100 feet (30 meters) long and weigh over 150 tons (135 metric tons).

What is the lifespan of a whale?

The lifespan of whales varies among species, with some living up to 70-90 years or more.

How do whales breathe?

Whales breathe by surfacing and using blowholes on the top of their heads to expel and inhale air.

How long can whales hold their breath?

Some whales can hold their breath for up to two hours, depending on the species.

Do all whales breach (jump out of water)?

Not all whales breach, but some species, like humpback whales, are known for their acrobatic breaching behavior.

Why do some whales breach?

The exact reasons for breaching are not fully understood, but it may serve purposes such as communication, playing, or getting rid of parasites.

Do whales sleep?

Whales exhibit unihemispheric sleep, where one hemisphere of their brain rests while the other remains active for essential functions like surfacing to breathe.

What do baleen whales eat?

Baleen whales filter-feed on small fish, plankton, and other tiny sea animals using baleen plates in their mouths.

Do whales have teeth?

Yes, some whales, known as toothed whales, have teeth and primarily feed on fish and squid.

How many babies do whales have at a time?

Most whales have one calf at a time, and newborns are already large and well-developed.

Why are whales important to the ocean ecosystem?

Whales play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems and contribute to nutrient cycling.

Are whales endangered?

Some whale species are endangered due to historical overhunting and threats like pollution and habitat loss.

Do whales communicate with each other?

Yes, whales communicate through various sounds and vocalizations to maintain social connections.

Do all whales sing?

No, only male humpback whales are known for their complex and melodic songs, which are believed to play a role in mating.

How can we protect whales?

Protecting whales involves measures like ending whale hunting, reducing ocean pollution, and establishing marine conservation areas.

What is the role of whales in carbon sequestration?

Whales help combat climate change by sequestering large amounts of carbon in their bodies and through their fecal plumes, which enhances marine productivity.

leeisha the author


Leeisha is an enthusiastic content creator and devoted writer who finds solace in the world of animals. With a passion for reading, she weaves captivating tales, evoking emotions and shedding light on wildlife. Leeisha’s words resonate, reminding us of the profound beauty and significance of the creatures we share our planet with.